Master Your Mind, Master Your Goals

Achieve your fitness and competition dreams with personalized mindset coaching designed to strengthen your mental game.

Let's go!

Your mindset can make or break your journey to success, whether you're preparing for the stage or aiming for a healthier lifestyle. With the right mindset, you can push through obstacles, stay motivated, and build the confidence needed to excel. Our Mindset Coaching is designed to give you the mental tools to overcome challenges, break through mental barriers, and step into the best version of yourself.

  • For Competitors:

    Increased Mental Toughness

    Stay focused and disciplined throughout the ups and downs of competition prep.

    Stage Confidence

    Develop the confidence to present yourself boldly on stage and shine in front of judges.

    Handling Stress

    Learn strategies to manage pre-show nerves, stress, and pressure leading up to competition day.

  • For Lifestyle Goals:

    Sustainable Motivation

    Keep yourself on track with long-term goals, even when life gets tough.

    Healthy Habits

    Develop a positive relationship with fitness, food, and your body.

    Overcoming Setbacks

    Bounce back stronger from setbacks and obstacles, keeping your progress moving forward.

  • Personalized Coaching Sessions

    1:1 mindset coaching sessions that are tailored to your specific challenges and goals, focusing on areas like stress management, goal setting, and confidence building.

  • Goal Setting & Achievement Planning

    Work with your coach to create clear, actionable goals and the mental strategies to achieve them, whether you're prepping for a competition or working on personal fitness milestones.

  • Accountability & Support

    Receive continuous support and accountability to keep you motivated and on track throughout your journey.

  • Visualization & Mental Rehearsal Techniques

    Learn how to use visualization and mental rehearsal to prepare for success, whether you're stepping on stage or pursuing a fitness goal.

Meet Your Coach

Holly Loss is a Health and Wellness Coach with over 8 years of experience. She is also a National Board-certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) and educator. Holly has spent the last two years working for a digital health company that has pioneered the health and wellness industry.

After completing her bachelor's degree at American Public University, Holly decided to pursue her passion for supporting growth in others by branching out into coaching. She finds coaching to be one of the most rewarding experiences of her career.

  • Post-Show Blues

    Learn how to navigate the emotional aftermath of a competition and avoid the post-show slump by staying motivated and focused on your future goals.

  • Build Body Confidence

    Develop a healthy mindset around your physique, learning to appreciate and embrace your body at every stage, whether you're prepping for a show or maintaining your fitness goals.

  • Manage Stress and Pressure

    Discover techniques to manage the stress and pressure that come with both competition prep and everyday life, ensuring you stay calm, focused, and in control.

  • Overcoming Mental Blocks

    Identify and conquer mental barriers that hold you back from achieving your best performance on stage or in your fitness journey.

  • Building a Sustainable Lifestyle

    Work on creating habits and routines that support your long-term success, both in and out of competition prep.

  • Goal Setting and Visualization

    Set clear, actionable goals for your fitness, competition, or personal growth, and develop a roadmap to achieve them with confidence.

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Free Consultation

Mini Mindset Consultation

Curious about mindset coaching but not sure where to start? Book a free 15-minute mini consultation to see how mindset coaching can help you overcome mental barriers and achieve your goals.

Book Now

In depth Session

1:1 Mindset Session

$75 per session

A one-on-one session tailored to your specific mindset challenges and goals. Perfect for those looking for immediate guidance on building confidence, managing stress, or overcoming mental blocks.

  • 60-minute private coaching session
  • Personalized mental strategies to tackle current obstacles
  • Actionable steps to improve mindset for both competition prep and lifestyle goals
I'm Ready!

Commit to long-term results

Monthly Mindset Coaching

$200 per month

Ongoing mindset coaching for those committed to long-term progress. This package is ideal for competitors or lifestyle clients looking to stay consistent and build a sustainable, positive mindset.

  • Weekly 1:1 coaching session (four per month)
  • Continuous support and accountability
  • Customized mindset tools and exercises to help you stay on track
  • Exclusive access to Strong Club
Let's Do This!