10 Things that will make you a better First Time Bikini Competitor

10 Things that will make you a better First Time Bikini Competitor

There is a lot to learn as a first time bikini bodybuilding competitor. 

While it can be overwhelming at times and you will test your limits physically and mentally while training for a show, the discipline you learn is unmatched.

Here we will go over 10 things that will help to make you stand out from your competition and that will make you a better athlete in general.

Recommended Reading: How to Eat Like a Bikini Competitor


10 Things that will make you a better First Time Competitor 

10 Things that will make you a better First Time Bikini Competitor 


1. Understand why you want to compete

Many will have opinions on what you should and shouldn't be doing as a competitor, but again, every single person is different when it comes to everything that comes with competing and reaching goals. 

Some want to compete on stage as a bucket list item, while others are in it to win it all. 

Understanding why you want to compete and step on stage will be crucial in the decisions you make as a competitor and help you to navigate what is important to you on this journey.


2. Read the rules

Read the rules and requirements for your desired federation and division, because most don't even have a clue and go based off of what everyone else says. 

They are not supper lengthy and honestly it will help you to better understand the physique you need to attain to be competitive, especially if you goal is to win. 


@topknotstrong I don’t always get to do posing in person but it’s always fun when I get to 👠 @cynthiasimon482 #bikinicompetitor #bodybuilding #bikiniprep ♬ original sound - Sarah | Prep Coach

3. Train as if it's your job 

Training is a huge component of the results you will have. The judges are looking for certain requirements in each federation and division, so if you are not training accordingly to build where you need and then shred body fat, you might be disappointed later on. 


Rest and recovery is part of the process, but you also have to take your training as seriously as an athlete. Even if that means waking up earlier or going to bed later.


4. Don't overthink it 

When it comes to your nutrition, don't overthink it. 

The more complicated you make everything that you have to get done and have to eat within your day, the harder it will be to stick to it during your prep. 

Don't feel like you have to take a ton of supplements - you don't. 

Don't feel like you have to eat chicken, rice, and broccoli every day - you don't.


 5. Invest where you see fit 

You don't have to spend money on every single thing that you see other competitors spending money on, but you should invest into the things that you need help with as it will make you a better competitor. 

Not sure how to train or eat for a bikini competition? Get a coach.

Struggle to stay on track and keep yourself accountable? Get a coach.

Nervous about wearing a bikini on stage in front of judges? Get a posing suit.

Not sure how to pose for division and walk in heels? Get posing sessions.

Whatever it is, if you invest in things that will make it easier for you and a better athlete. You will reap the benefits of that. 


6. Don't beat yourself up

Give yourself the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them. 

As mentioned, there is a lot that goes into competing, so being open to learning about the sport and what you need to be successful for your goals. 

If you mess up or don't eat according to plan one day, don't beat yourself up about it. Acknowledge it and then jump back in.

We are human and the discipline that comes with competing is learned from practicing again and again.


 7. Surround yourself with the like-minded

Not everyone will have this goal for themselves. Some may even talk-down on you doing it. 

However, it is not for them to understand. It is your goal for a reason and that's all you need. 

So we always recommend surrounding yourself with others who understand what you are going through and can be your support system when and where you need it. 

Being a competitor can be a lonely road without having the support you need.


8. Practice makes perfect

The pros you see have practiced really hard at certain things over and over again, so it's no coincidence that they are where they are because of this. 

We don't always know their full story, but many had to work on themselves with discipline, training, nutrition, posing, and more. 

Whatever you struggle with most, focus on that first and practicing to make that better. Even if that means doing it over and over again.



9. Peak week is not your saving grace

The last week before your show, will not be your saving grace. 

I say this because a lot of first time competitors think that peak week will bring everything together and that they may lose a lot of weight even if it is just water weight.

Peak week is the last week before your show to help fill out your muscles, reduce inflammation, and ultimately allow you some time to practice your posing as well to perfect it and make last minute tweaks. 



10. Remember to have fun with it 

Competing is hard, but it's important to not be too hard on yourself in the process. Remember to have fun with it and enjoy the journey. 

It's great to remind yourself of how far you have come and not to play the comparison game. It will rob you of the hard work you have put in. 

So as a reminder, take time outside of competing when you can to enjoy the little things, and remember to do self-care in ways other than your training and eating for your goal. It's also a part of the process. 



There is a lot more that goes into competing that will also make you a better First Time Bikini Competitor than just these 10 things...

At Top Knot Strong, we pride ourselves on helping you every step of the way to your first competition with everything that we offer.

This means anything from training and nutrition, to posing, and even your suits and stage presence. We have it all. 

With this being said, if you have anything you need help with on your journey to stepping on stage we are here for you. 

Learn how we can help by scheduling a free 15 minute consultation today. 


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